Sunday, 8 January 2017

Preventing Head Lice - Head Lice Prevention and Treatment from the Top to the Bottom

Preventing head lice is so much easier than treating it. My mother’s methods were simple but effective.
  • Pull long hair back. The biggest reason girls get head lice more often than boys is because of their long hair. When it’s blowing wild during school and play, the chances of catching something increases exponential. Pull your daughter’s hair up in a ponytail or at least up on the sides in the front to keep it out of the way.
  • Don’t share hats and coats. Head lice is most prevalent during winter months and spreads easily because children trade and share winter hats and clothing. Tell your child not to share any of these things, including sporting hats. Adult lice can cling to their surfaces and pass quickly.
  • Don’t touch other children’s hair. This one may sound ridiculous, but it works. Many girls in my primary school got head lice because they were always touching and grooming each other, including rubbing their heads together. They were just asking to get lice.
  • Wash hair and bathe regularly. Your child’s bathing schedule may be the reason he or she has gotten head lice in the past. How often your child washes is up to you, but every other day if not every day might be a good idea, even if it’s just around the head lice-catching season.
You need a head lice treatment for these nasty bugs. I get mine here:
If your child already has head lice, and you want to keep it from spreading to another child, be sure to wash all his or her bedding, stuffed animals, blankets and anything lice could possibly cling to. Vacuum sofas, mattresses and rugs. If your child comes home from school and tells you his or friends have head lice, you may want to wash any jackets, coats, hats and clothing he or she has taken to a friend’s house or school, just for good measure.

Monday, 2 January 2017

natural nit removal guide

Mechanical expulsion or 'brush and conditioner' strategy

What you requirement for this strategy:

Typical brush to detangle hair before utilizing metal lice brush

Fine toothed metal lice brush (accessible from your nearby scientific expert or on the web)

Conditioner - purchase a modest brand as you will require a great deal of it, and ideally one that is white to make detecting the lice simpler! Also finding a great natural nit removal cream can help!

White paper towel

Mechanical expulsion includes applying conditioner to dry hair. Cover the greater part of the hair with conditioner, detangle hair with typical brush and separate into segments. At that point, utilizing a fine since quite a while ago toothed metal lice brush, search over the hair in areas. The conditioner does not kill lice but rather shocks them for around 20 minutes empowering simpler evacuation. The since quite a while ago toothed metal brush will expel nits and the staggered head lice. Wipe the brush on a white tissue and check for any lice or nits. Continue brushing until no more show up on the tissue. This strategy ought to be done each second or third day until no nits and lice remain, ordinarily around 7 to 10 days. If you don't mind see the clarification beneath for more point by point direction.